Slow Mine

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Slow Mine
Slow Mine
Smash Weapon
Players who trigger this mine will be slowed down by 80% for 8 seconds.
Item Stats
Type Smash Weapon
Description Players who trigger this mine will be slowed down by 80% for 8 seconds.
Quality Common
Cost N/A
Craftable No
Rare counterpart No
Drop chance 7/140
Loot table 3
Item Code smmisl

The Slow mine was one of the first mines, added in the smash update along with the smash map Combine (Smash). When tripped, the victim is slowed to 20% of his/her normal walking speed for 8 full seconds. This often can cause players to fail jumps, or to not escape a falling platform in time.

It has 6 ammunition, takes 3 seconds to arm and has a delay time of 2.25 seconds. This makes it very useful for trapping people on a falling platform!