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Revision as of 02:56, 16 January 2015 by Stebbzor (talk | contribs)

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A gamemode of deception and murder based off Murder in the Dark and a bit similar to Cluedo. One person is a murderer with a knife, who is trying to secretly kill off the other players. The other players must use their wits to find out who it is and kill them first. Unfortunately they only have the one gun between them.

MoronYard's Addition

This gamemode isn't orignally created by MoronYard.

But we have integrated our addon nonDB which was created by nonSENSE. nonDB features Hats, Auras, Body Attachments and a lot more items which are customizable, basically there are about 800.000 items.

Finding a loot will give you cash, and essentially killing the murderer or killing as the murderer will also give you cash.