Market Upgrade: Bump Listings

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Market Upgrade: Bump Listings
Market Upgrade: Bump Listings
Once activated, this item allows you to "bump" your trades and auctions to the front page. You can bump a listing every 120 minutes.
Item Stats
Type Special
Description Once activated, this item allows you to "bump" your trades and auctions to the front page. You can bump a listing every 120 minutes.
Quality Special
Cost goldbar
Craftable No
Randomly Drops No
Rare counterpart No
Item Code mkupbl

The Market Upgrade: Bump Listings allows the user to bump there listings on the Marketplace. This can be done once every 2 hours. Once this item has been purchased and used, it will be permanently active for all auctions made.


Update History

2013/09/14 "Market Upgrade: Bump Listings" was added