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Attributes are special bonuses that appear on wearable items. They have a variety of effects, from increasing health to increasing key drop rate. The attributes on any non-relic cannot be negative. The chance of getting a single attribute on an item from a chest is 1/6 (1/18 from random drops). The chance of getting two attributes is 1/18 (1/54 from random drops). Note that each attribute has a prefix and a suffix version so you can have two of the same attributes. If an item rolls both a prefix and a suffix and rolls the final 16.7%(11.1% for drops[Base for Relic finding]) chance, it turns into a Relic. You can have an item with 4 sockets and two attributes without it being a Relic.

List of Attributes

This is an example of the format used.

+(<min> - <max>) <attribute name>

• (<min> - <max>) - "<prefix>" / "<suffix>"  <prefix item code> / <suffix item code>

Min and max refer to the range that the prefix/suffix appear. Ignore the item code if you don't understand it. It's only used in the website item codes or as an identifier / item code ingame.

Attributes with an asterix next to them do not show updated max.

+(1 - 30)% Better Chance of Getting Magic Item (Base Chance from a crate 1/6)

• (1  -  5) - "Opportune" / "of Good"       _mf0p / _mf0s
• (6  - 10) - "Promising" / "of Freedom"    _mf1p / _mf1s
• (11 - 15) - "Blessed"   / "of Luck"       _mf2p / _mf2s
• (16 - 20) - "Lucky"     / "of Chance"     _mf3p / _mf3s
• (21 - 25) - "Golden"    / "of Advantage"  _mf4p / _mf4s

+(1 - 20)% Extra Cash Earned

• (1  -  3) - "Favorable"  / "of Coins"      _gf0p / _gf0s
• (4  -  6) - "Gaining"    / "of Riches"     _gf1p / _gf1s
• (7  -  9) - "Prosperous" / "of Treasure"   _gf2p / _gf2s
• (10 - 12) - "Wealthy"    / "of Resources"  _gf3p / _gf3s
• (13 - 15) - "Loaded"     / "of Savings"    _gf4p / _gf4s

+(1 - 25)% Better Chance of Getting Rare Item (Base Chance from a crate 1/40)

• (1  -  4) - "Daring"   / "of Ventures"     _rf0p / _rf0s
• (5  -  8) - "Betting"  / "of Wagers"       _rf1p / _rf1s
• (9  - 12) - "Gambling" / "of Risks"        _rf2p / _rf2s
• (13 - 16) - "Tempting" / "of the Lottery"  _rf3p / _rf3s
• (17 - 20) - "Winning"  / "of Bets"         _rf4p / _rf4s

+(1 - 4) Extra Items per Day

• (1 - 1) - "Generous" / "of Generosity"  _ei0p / _ei0s
• (2 - 2) - "Ample"    / "of Charity"     _ei1p / _ei1s
• (3 - 3) - "Abundant" / "of Compassion"  _ei2p / _ei2s

+(1 - 35)% More Voting Power

• (1  -  6) - "Decisive"    / "of Superiority"  _mv0p / _mv0s
• (7  - 12) - "Controlling" / "of Direction"    _mv1p / _mv1s
• (13 - 18) - "Bossy"       / "of Domination"   _mv2p / _mv2s
• (19 - 24) - "Imposing"    / "of the Empire"   _mv3p / _mv3s
• (25 - 30) - "Commanding"  / "of Power"        _mv4p / _mv4s

+(1 - 20) Maximum Health

• (1  -  4) - "Fit"      / "of Shape"       _mh0p / _mh0s
• (5  -  8) - "Lively"   / "of Well-Being"  _mh1p / _mh1s
• (9  - 12) - "Healthy"  / "of Energy"      _mh2p / _mh2s
• (13 - 15) - "Athletic" / "of Vigor"       _mh3p / _mh3s

+(1 - 25)% Better Chance of Getting Painted Item (Base Chance from a crate 1/8)

• (1  -  4) - "Tinted"   / "of Luminosity"    _pf0p / _pf0s
• (5  -  8) - "Hued"     / "of Pigmentation"  _pf1p / _pf1s
• (9  - 12) - "Flashy"   / "of Shades"        _pf2p / _pf2s
• (13 - 16) - "Colorful" / "of Saturation"    _pf3p / _pf3s
• (17 - 20) - "Vivid"    / "of Dye"           _pf4p / _pf4s

+(1 - 20)% Higher Drop Rate for Keys

• (1  -  3) - "Gleaming"   / "of Brilliance"     _kd0p / _kd0s
• (4  -  6) - "Glistening" / "of the Locksmith"  _kd1p / _kd1s
• (7  -  9) - "Sparkling"  / "of the Beacon"     _kd2p / _kd2s
• (10 - 12) - "Brilliant"  / "of Glitter"        _kd3p / _kd3s
• (13 - 15) - "Radiant"    / "of Illumination"   _kd4p / _kd4s

+(1 - 35)% Higher Drop Rate for Fragments

• (1  -  3) - "Split"         / "of Chunks"  _fd0p / _fd0s
• (4  -  6) - "Disintegrated" / "of Lumps"   _fd1p / _fd1s
• (7  -  9) - "Shredded"      / "of Slices"  _fd2p / _fd2s
• (10 - 12) - "Collapsed"     / "of Shreds"  _fd3p / _fd3s
• (13 - 15) - "Pulverized"    / "of Scraps"  _fd4p / _fd4s

+(1 - 20)% Better Chance of Getting Broken Item (Base Chance from a crate 1/25)

• (1  -  3) - "Cracked"    / "of Junk"         _bf0p / _bf0s
• (4  -  6) - "Defective"  / "of Defects"      _bf1p / _bf1s
• (7  -  9) - "Severed"    / "of Ruins"        _bf2p / _bf2s
• (10 - 12) - "Crumbled"   / "of Wrecks"       _bf3p / _bf3s
• (13 - 15) - "Demolished" / "of Destruction"  _bf4p / _bf4s

+(1 - 18) Increased Movespeed

• (1  -  3) - "Agile"   / "of Swiftness"    _ms0p / _ms0s
• (4  -  6) - "Quick"   / "of Celerity"     _ms1p / _ms1s
• (7  -  9) - "Fast"    / "of Activity"     _ms2p / _ms2s
• (10 - 12) - "Rapid"   / "of the Cheetah"  _ms3p / _ms3s
• (13 - 15) - "Dashing" / "of Speed"        _ms4p / _ms4s

+(1 - 10) HP regenerated every 5 seconds

• (1 - 1) - "Mending"      / "of Recovery"        _hr0p / _hr0s
• (2 - 2) - "Healing"      / "of Cultivation"     _hr1p / _hr1s
• (3 - 3) - "Regenerating" / "of Inner Strength"  _hr2p / _hr2s

+(1 - 12)% Better Chance of Getting a Relic (Base Chance from a crate 16.7%)

• (1 - 3) - "Old"      / "of Eras"   _rl0p / _rl0s
• (4 - 6) - "Enduring" / "of Ages"   _rl1p / _rl1s
• (7 - 8) - "Immortal" / "of Aeons"  _rl2p / _rl2s

+(1 - 20)% Better Chance of Finding Strange Item (Base Chance from a crate 1/35)

• (1  -  3) - "Offbeat"        / "of Oddities"       _sf0p / _sf0s
• (4  -  6) - "Atypical"       / "of Quirks"         _sf1p / _sf1s
• (7  -  9) - "Odd"            / "of Anomalies"      _sf2p / _sf2s
• (10 - 12) - "Weird"          / "of Singularities"  _sf3p / _sf3s
• (13 - 15) - "Extraordinary"  / "of the Enigma"     _sf4p / _sf4s

+(1 - 15)% Better Chance of Finding a Gem

• (1  -  3) - "Digging"     / "of Rocks"          _gc0p / _gc0s
• (4  -  6) - "Miner's"     / "of Trinkets"       _gc1p / _gc1s
• (7  -  9) - "Jeweler's"   / "of Gems"           _gc2p / _gc2s
• (10 - 12) - "Collector's" / "of the Collector"  _gc3p / _gc3s

+(1 - 20)% Better Chance to Pick a Lock

• (1 - 2) - "Crooked"  / "of Bandits"   _p10p / _p10s
• (3 - 4) - "Thieving" / "of Thieves"   _p11p / _p11s
• (5 - 6) - "Stealthy" / "of Plunders"  _p12p / _p12s

+(1 - 10)% Damage dealt Converted to Life

• (1 - 2) - "Vampiric"       / "of the Leech"   _110p / _110s
• (3 - 3) - "Gruesome"       / "of the Locust"  _111p / _111s
• (4 - 4) - "Exsanguinating" / "of the Bat"     _112p / _112s

+(1 - 8) to Armor

• (1 - 2) - "Thick"      / "of the Tower"       _ar0p / _ar0s
• (3 - 3) - "Strong"     / "of the Stronghold"  _ar1p / _ar1s
• (4 - 4) - "Reinforced" / "of the Keep"        _ar2p / _ar2s
• (5 - 5) - "Glorious"   / "of the Castle"      _ar3p / _ar3s

+(1 - 12)% Fire Resistance

• (1  -  3) - "Heated"    / "of Coals"         _zf0p / _zf0s
• (4  -  6) - "Fiery"     / "of Sparks"        _zf1p / _zf1s
• (7  -  8) - "Red"       / "of Incandecence"  _zf2p / _zf2s
• (9  - 10) - "Scorching" / "of the Phoenix"   _zf3p / _zf3s

+(1 - 12)% Poison Resistance

• (1  -  3) - "Septic"   / "of the Snake"   _zp0p / _zp0s
• (4  -  6) - "Toxic"    / "of the Viper"   _zp1p / _zp1s
• (7  -  8) - "Noxious"  / "of Contagion"   _zp2p / _zp2s
• (9  - 10) - "Venomous" / "of Corruption"  _zp3p / _zp3s

+(1 - 12)% Fall Damage Resistance

• (1  -  3) - "Safe"       / "of Safety"         _zg0p / _zg0s
• (4  -  6) - "Protective" / "of Caution"        _zg1p / _zg1s
• (7  -  8) - "Cautious"   / "of Protection"     _zg2p / _zg2s
• (9  - 10) - "Shielding"  / "of the Parachute"  _zg3p / _zg3s

+(1 - 10)% Stun Resistance

• (1 - 3) - "Free"      / "of Mobility"   _zs0p / _zs0s
• (4 - 6) - "Motile"    / "of Migration"  _zs1p / _zs1s
• (7 - 8) - "Unsettled" / "of Agility"    _zs2p / _zs2s

+(1 - 9)% Physical Resistance

• (1 - 2) - "Solid"      / "of Resilience"  _zx0p / _zx0s
• (3 - 4) - "Firm"       / "of Density"     _zx1p / _zx1s
• (5 - 5) - "Adamantine" / "of Toughness"   _zx2p / _zx2s

+(1 - 7)% to All Resistances

Open Sockets (1 - 5) (Doesn't count towards becoming a relic or take up a slot of another attribute)

• (1 - 5) - "N/A" / "N/A"  _os0

Sockets have separate non-modifiable chances to appear.

12.5% (1/8) chance to get 1 socket.

8% (1/12) chance to get 2 sockets.

0.9% (1/110) chance to get 3 sockets.

0.001% (1/850) chance to get 4 sockets.