Total Players Registered:
152,173 (±0)

Total Unique Players (past 48h):
0 (±0)

Total Explorer Accounts:
3,449 (±0)

Total Cash Amount:
48,004,743,477 (±0)
315,462 / Users

Total Item Count:
1,841,276 (±0)
12.1 / User

Vintage Items:
8,911 (±0)
0.48% of all items

Painted Items:
10,738 (±0)
0.58% of all items

Rare Items:
8,047 (±0)
0.44% of all items

7,731 (±0)
0.42% of all items

Collector's Items:
312 (±0)
0.02% of all items

Items in the Bank:
332,586 (±0)

Total Smash Rounds
1,253,420 (±0)

Total Smash Kills
1,490,365 (±0)

Total Smash Deaths
10,441,880 (±0)

Total Slope Highscores
61,418 (±0)
since August 2014

Total Slope Deaths
5,765,765 (±0)

Total Murderers Killed
38,814 (±0)

Total Bystanders Killed
149,398 (±0)

Total Clues Found
236,023 (±0)

Total Sanctuary Mobs Slain
812,618 (±0)

Most Cash:

Most Valuable Inventory:

Most Rare Items:
441 Rare Items

Most Slope Trophies:

Slope Highscores


1. cosco24 on January 28th, 2022 01:14.671
2. cosco24 on January 8th, 2022 01:19.951 +00:05.280
3. cosco24 on January 2nd, 2022 01:22.125 +00:07.454
4. cosco24 on January 8th, 2022 01:24.030 +00:09.359
5. cosco24 on January 8th, 2022 01:31.096 +00:16.425
6. cosco24 on January 2nd, 2022 01:32.266 +00:17.595
7. cosco24 on January 2nd, 2022 01:35.836 +00:21.165

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Graphs & Charts

3 days - 5 days - 1 week - 2 weeks - 3 weeks - 1 month - 6 weeks - 2 months

Money spent / day

Players killed / day

Items crafted / day