Toupin wants to sell...
(posted on 29/3/15)

{"i":"guitar","q":8,"a":"_os0:1,_zf1s:5,_ll2p:4"} {"i":"fkchem","q":8,"a":"_os0:1,_ms3s:10,_mf4p:25"} {"i":"smmirv","q":8,"a":"_ll1p:3,_zg1s:4"} {"i":"sentry","a":"_ei1p:2"} {"i":"smmibl","s":4}

The highest bid for this auction is

5M cash

So far, 8 bids have been placed

None wanted items

The seller has not provided any notes for this listing...

Ended on 1/4/15

Current bid history

submitted on 1/4/15

Zzar has offered 5M cash.
submitted on 1/4/15

Adam3rdstreet has offered 4M cash.
submitted on 30/3/15

Zzar has offered 3M cash.
submitted on 29/3/15

AbyssElmer has offered 1.7M cash.
submitted on 29/3/15

A Pablo [YASDR] has offered 300K cash.
submitted on 29/3/15

flippyfloppy has offered 270K cash.
submitted on 29/3/15

flippyfloppy has offered 260K cash.
submitted on 29/3/15

KrazyBigJ has offered 250K cash.